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10 Qualities of High-Quality Breast Milk Every Mother Should Know

High-quality breast milk is the best thing a mother can give to her little one. But what are the signs of high-quality breast milk? Let's first understand the characteristics of good-quality breast milk in this article.

Breast milk is the best food for newborn babies as it contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and immune factors that are essential for their growth and development, which cannot be provided by formula milk.

To meet the needs of a growing baby, it is important to have high-quality breast milk. So, what are the characteristics of high-quality breast milk? Let's find out, dear mothers.

Characteristics of High-Quality Breast Milk

Healthy and high-quality breast milk possesses several characteristics that reflect optimal nutrition and good health. Here are the characteristics of healthy and high-quality breast milk:

Changing Color of Breast Milk Over Time Healthy and high-quality breast milk changes color over time. Breast milk is initially yellowish-golden, also known as colostrum, which is produced from the early second trimester of pregnancy and continues until the second to fifth day after the baby's birth. When the baby is around three or four weeks old, you will start producing mature milk or "mature milk." The color of mature breast milk can vary depending on its fat content. When it first comes out, mature breast milk appears clear or slightly bluish with a watery texture, which is known as foremilk. Mature breast milk also continues to change as the baby grows, and the mature milk produced in the first month may be different from the milk produced in the fifth month of breastfeeding. In addition to these colors, breast milk can also have a greenish, reddish, or pinkish hue in certain conditions. This can happen because what the mother eats or drinks can affect the color of breast milk.

Texture of Breast Milk High-quality breast milk has a texture similar to water or slightly thicker. However, the texture of breast milk can also become thinner or even creamier. The difference in texture can occur depending on the timing and pattern of the mother's diet. Additionally, healthy breast milk should not contain clumps or suspicious particles.

Fresh Milk-like Odor Healthy breast milk smells like cow's milk, but it is milder and sweeter. However, breast milk can also have a soapy smell caused by high levels of lipase enzyme, which helps break down fat. On the other hand, thawed and thawed breast milk may have a slightly acidic smell, but it is considered normal. However, if breast milk smells sour - which is produced from pumped milk that was not properly stored - it will have an unpleasant odor, similar to sour cow's milk.

Sweet Taste of Breast Milk

As reported by WebMD, breast milk should have a slightly sweet and mild taste. However, the taste of breast milk can change due to the foods consumed by the mother. For example, if the mother consumes strong spices or garlic, her breast milk may have a slightly spicy or garlicky aroma and taste.

Various factors can change the taste of breast milk, including:

  1. Food The food that the mother eats can significantly affect the taste of breast milk, especially strongly flavored foods like garlic.

  2. Time The taste of breast milk can vary even within a single breastfeeding session. The nutritional composition of breast milk can also change as the baby grows. The breast milk produced in the first few days after birth is rich in nutrients and tends to be thicker and more yellow than regular breast milk.

  3. Enzyme activity All types of milk contain an enzyme called lactase. Lactase helps the body break down the fat in milk and also provides immune benefits

Contains Complete Nutrition

Healthy breast milk provides all the essential nutrients needed for optimal growth and development of the baby. Good breast milk should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, as well as antibodies and other immune factors that help protect the baby from infections.

Contains Antibodies and Immune Factors

Healthy breast milk contains antibodies, enzymes, and other immune factors that help protect the baby from infections and diseases. Additionally, breast milk also contains immunological factors that are particularly important for enhancing the immune system of vulnerable infants.

Easily Digestible

Healthy breast milk is usually easier for babies to digest compared to formula milk or other foods. Breast milk is naturally adapted to the baby's digestive needs and is easily digested by their digestive system.

Composition Changes

Breast milk has the ability to adapt to the changing needs of the baby over time. The composition of breast milk can change according to the baby's growth and development, providing the right nutrition at each stage of development.

Adequate Production Quantity

Healthy breast milk is produced in sufficient quantities to meet the baby's needs. Adequate milk production is maintained through frequent breastfeeding and responsive feeding on demand.

Excellent Baby Development

In addition to the above nine aspects, an easy way to assess the quality of breast milk is by observing the baby's growth and feeding patterns.

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